Several years ago you may have seen one of the early YouTube
video’s that went viral. The dancing wedding! It is delightful. If you have not seen it, there is a link
below. The couple asked me to make
custom rings for them and I happily agreed. The link is for their wedding site, which
contains the YouTube video that you just have to watch!
About a year after they were married, I received an e-mail
from them that I thought I would share with you:
My husband, Kevin, and I had our wedding rings made by you
last year (we love them!).
You have also made wedding rings for some of our close
friends who are also in that video (Ann and Jeff Mason, Lisa and Jimmy
We are working on making a short online ad for Google about
our wedding- showing websites that we used to plan our wedding. We would like
to show your website briefly in the ad- because ours rings are really special
to us.
Jill Peterson and Kevin Heinz”
All weddings should be this joyful! Enjoy the video!